Consulting. Planning. Implementing.

Logistics consulting FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETION.



We are pleased to thank about 800 clients for the successful co-operation in approx. 1.600 projects. Our latest references were:



Determination of transport logistics potential and master plan (design and dimensioning) for the third warehouse location.

Project support in the validation of the logistics concept for a third warehouse location (Phase 1).

Development of a master plan for the construction of new warehouse buildings at the Zeltweg site, including planning for implementation during ongoing operations.

On-site analysis lasting several days after preparatory work to create a strengths and weaknesses analysis as a basis for the development of the further project plan to support the supermarket chain.

Calculation of CO2 emissions for combined transport/rail freight transport compared to road transport for selected routes

Project support for the creation of a CT (combined transport) platform. Stakeholder integration, development of an opinion survey and a self-assessment questionnaire, CT quick check at 5 selected companies and development of company requirements.

CEP-Study 2020 Vienna: Creation of a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative study for the courier, express and parcel industries with a focus on the situation in Vienna.

Report for Download (German only)

 Sustainable Logistics 2030+ Lower Austria-Vienna: Development of a future-oriented and implementation-oriented action plan that deals with the present and future requirements of freight mobility in the Lower Austria - Vienna region and coordination of suitable measures for implementation. Further information:

Development of a future-oriented central warehouse concept to increase efficiency and secure the expansion plans by developing planning principles, optimising the warehouse layout and warehouse technology and defining the processes.

Large-scale logistics concept: Supporting EWP in the development of a future concept for the take-back logistics of single-use deposit containers. Comparison of variants in take-back logistics and sorting & counting infrastructure, calculation of costs in the individual process stages and development of a comparison of variants with the presentation of potential fields.

Support in the realisation of the outsourcing of the warehouse with the associated logistical processes, including determining the group of bidders, carrying out a limited bidder enquiry, award support.

FENIX project: Development of the first European network architecture for data exchange within the European logistics community of shippers, logistics service providers, mobility infrastructure providers, cities and authorities.

FENIX network

E-Maritime: EU research project for the evaluation of future requirements for logistics tools in shipping (maritime and inland waterways) with the aim of automating information flows and processes.

European Commission

EC Connecting Europe Facility

LogBSC - Logistics Balanced Scorecard: Creation of a concept for the development of logistics strategies, monitoring key figures and implementation measures in companies

LOGSTEP - LOGistic Solutions for TEchnical Personnel: Design of a logistics concept for field technicians with the aim of completely replacing service vehicles currently in use. Piloting and monitoring during the pilot phase, including concept adaptations and development of key performance indicators (KPI) and roll-out scenarios.

Rail freight transport in Sopron (Hungary) - Carrying out an as-is analysis of rail freight transport in Sopron, evaluating opportunities and risks and deriving possible development scenarios and recommendations for action.

Study on rail feeder line system - Elaboration of a study regarding the present situation of the rail feeder line system in Austria. Deployment of solutions and proposed measures to improve and enhance the usage of rail feeder lines. A handbook was published in cooperation with major stakeholders regarding rail feeder lines in Austria.

ÖBB Holding: Study on the overall impact of potential measures to increase the share of rail transport in Austria. Identification of specific levers and measures, identification of systemic interactions between the levers, dependencies on external factors and time delays in the effect of measures, as well as development of options for action and conclusions in collaboration with Prognos and Herry Consult in the "40by40" project.

ÖBB Infrastruktur AG: Marketing scenarios for the DC Wels site: solution scenarios for plant retrofit and utilisation, business case considerations

ÖBB Infrastruktur AG: Terminal Strategy: Volume, capacity, market share and development analysis for all terminal locations in Austria and neighbouring countries as a basis for developing a terminal strategy (29 Terminal Locations).

ÖBB Infrastruktur AG: Potential terminal location Tyrol: Development of a market and potential analysis including location assessment for a new UCT terminal in the Tyrol area.

ÖBB Infrastruktur AG: Base concept Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) - Operator's requirements: Development of requirements and space requirements for the maintenance and intervention bases for the BBT, rough master planning for the base in Innsbruck, master planning of a base concept (maintenance and intervention center) in the area of ​​the north portal for the BBT Brenner Base Tunnel.

ÖBB Infrastruktur AG: Assessment of the competitiveness of the Austrian rail infrastructure by means of selected corridors and model trains. Conducting of customer surveys and evaluation of opportunities and risks.

Rail Cargo Austria: Planning and assistance with creation of the logistics centers in Wels, Wörgl and St. Michael, various brand studies, logistics concept for Austrian Federal Railways materials management, etc.

ÖBB Infrastruktur AG: Support Terminal Project - analysis and deployment of strategy alternatives concerning the market position of the terminals for combined transport.

Project support in the detailing of the master planning for a spare parts centre and development of a decision-making basis for the start of the project, including an examination of possible outsourcing, detailing of the logistics trades and preparation of a business case.

Planning of the logistics area of the new business courtyard on the basis of a detailed needs assessment and preparation of a requirements paper for search for the general planner.

Development of a master plan for the new building of the facility incl. development of possible layout variants and detailing of the selected variant as a basis for preliminary design/design on the part of the building planner.

Check of a concept for the amplification of a warehouse drawn up by architects (check of quantities and functions).

Analysis of the obstacles to the full effectiveness of rail freight loading points in eastern Austria and identification of possible additional locations for freight transhipment points in the region.

Support in replacing a conventional pallet pick front with an automated goods-to-person picking system.

Expansion of the semi-automated solution for processing mail dispatch due to the increasing order volume.

Realisation central warehouse Germany, planning and realisation of a partially automated central warehouse, integration ECOM.

Support for planning and submission in the course of the construction of the business park extension DZH North with regard to logistics facilities and functions.

Planning of a finished goods and merchandise warehouse at the Hornstein production site: preparation of TARGET planning bases, technological consideration of storage and picking systems, layout planning in variants

Timber logistics railway concept: Design of new rail solutions based on already collected information and data with the involvement of relevant stakeholders and assessment of feasibility.

Screening of connecting railways in Lower Austria, Vienna and Burgenland. Structural registration, evaluation and analysis of the connecting railways, as well as the development of recommendations and approaches for an optimized use.

Sustainable Logistics 2030+ Lower Austria-Vienna: Development of a future-oriented and implementation-oriented action plan that deals with the present and future requirements of freight mobility in the Lower Austria - Vienna region and coordination of suitable measures for implementation. For further information see:

InfoServ: Basic information and services concerning the boarder crossting transport logistics from Austria to Czech Republic
Traisental Phase 1: Master conception for the continuation of the rail freight business in the Traisental

Traisental Phase 3: Implementation of the takeover of the 17 km long public railway line from Freiland to St. Aegyd as a private feeder line. Set up of all necessary regulatory and legal regulations.

Analysis of the current logistics including suggestions for improvement and development of a master plan including a closer look at the current and future quantity structures, delivery (inbound and outbound) and warehouse considering scalability and flexibility in these areas.

Supply Chain Energy Demand Screening, preparing the study "Energy Demand in Supply Chains. A screening of exemplary supply chains to determine energy consumption values". - Energy Demand in Supply Chains (in German language)

Guidebook: Criteria for the use and location of parcel boxes in municipalities - The guidebook shows which questions municipalities are confronted with in relation to parcel boxes, which application possibilities parcel boxes offer, and it provides decision-makers as well as stakeholders with comprehensive information on the topic. - Criteria for the use and location of parcel boxes in municipalities (in German language)

Development of a master plan for the construction of the new central warehouse including planning and relocation.

Feasibility study regarding automation options in the warehouse by analysing and developing solutions for storage, retrieval and shipping support. Determination of technical feasibility as well as CAPEX and OPEX to support further decisions

Process optimisation in the areas of production, packaging and packing, detailed planning of new warehouse, implementation and award support for the tender for warehouse technology and support with the submission.

Planning and implementation support for the Vilnius fresh produce warehouse: analysis of the current situation, preparation of the target planning basis, evaluation of alternative sites, technology studies, layout planning and tendering of automated warehouse storage systems.

Logistics strategy for the entire company: Supply chain concept, different versions of the structure, evaluation and determination of the future logistics structure; planning and assistance with implementation for four distribution centers.

Master plan for a decentralised dispatch warehouse in the course of logistics optimisation at two production sites, development of warehouse layout and equipment, definition of transport concept

Location concept for the Gössendorf production site, material flow optimisation, development of layout for production and logistics

Check of Hörsching automated high-bay warehouse: functional and performance analyses, technical assessment, derivation of short and long-term measures

Preliminary planning of the Stockerau site expansion: development of plan quantity structure, technology studies, layout considerations, input of preliminary design planning

Strategy consulting in the context of workshops with the respective sector managers. Consolidation of the workshop results as input for the overall corporate strategy.

Rough alternative interior designs for a warehouse at the new site in Hagenbrunn (A) including the planning of capacities considering possible business models.

Site strategy Eastern Austria focussing on pharma: Elaboration of regional strategic options by sectors, working out of site alternatives by a comparison of investment and operating cost incl. transport, evaluation.

Analysis of the supply chain of the petrol station coffee assortment and validation of possible future location scenarios

NOBIS - KPI reporting: development of key performance indicator concept for a data warehouse including a decision matrix for IT-solution scenarios

Definition processes for the self-supply of petrol station shops: Enquiry of existing processes, complemental adaptation and definition of the target processes as well as layout in the form of flow charts, complemented with specifications of quality

Economic comparison of the different VIVA operations models carried out in different countries.

Collection, representation and analysis of the actual condition of the OMV shop logistics in Austria; deduction of a strengths and weaknesses catalogue

Outsourcing support spare parts warehouse: quantity structure determination, preparation of tender documents, bidder evaluation

Master plan warehouse concept-NEW: Layout adaptation of production site based on new office building including detailed cost estimate

Logistics Quickcheck: Analysis of central warehouse and distribution logistics. Identification of potentials and development of a catalogue of measures.

Feasibility study eCom warehouse: simulation of sales scenarios and delivery model, warehouse

Rough concept for Ebenfuth spare parts warehouse: material survey at current locations, technology assessment, layout planning, room book and functional description as a basis for general contractor tendering.

Realisation support at the project for the new headquarter SMART CAMPUS in Wien Simmering. Support at planning and realisation (call for tender and realisation support) for all workshop and logistics facilities (central warehouse and ancillary warehouses, workshop for metal and wood works as well as for services, test ranges for transformers, garage, chemical laboratory, ...).

Railway Concept for Construction Site Soil Transport: The new headquarter SMART CAMPUS will be realised in Wien Simmering. Development of a railway concept to transport the soil from the construction site. Application of the project in the KLIEN-call "Lighthouse projects for branch- and regional-logistics".

Concept for a new central warehouse for the electric and gas network company: meters, network equipment, operating equipment

Master planning of production warehouses: Development of planning principles by means of a stock delimitation model for production parts, spare parts and merchandise. Consideration of technology, layout planning in variants.

Logistics Quickcheck: Analysis of warehouse and distribution logistics across the entire site structure. Identification of potentials and development of a catalogue of measures.

Development of potential improvements in warehouse logistics and transport logistics with own vehicle fleet to reduce logistics costs, taking into account qualitative requirements.

Masterplan Lagererweiterung am Produktionsstandort Ljutomer

Master planning for the expansion of the Müllendorf site: process analysis of the current situation, development of planning specifications, technology assessment, layout planning in variants

Installation and facility planning location Vorchdorf

Planning check for warehouse expansion at the Hartl site near Kaindorf: Setting up a planning quantity structure, reviewing layout planning, furnishing and installation planning

Development of a target warehouse concept for fast-moving items at the existing site in Wr. Neudorf with regard to layout, use of technology and process optimisation.

New revision of the present concept for the REWE-EAST location on the basis of changed strategic requirements.

Preparation of a basis for decision-making concerning the construction of a central slow-moving warehouse at the Wr. Neudorf site regarding to its location on the site and in terms of scope and form of optimal automation.

New storage and distribution strategy Austria and associated countries, location perspective DC Enns

Transport tender: Preparation of actual and target quantity structures, preparation and coordination of tender documents, preparation of a long list of potential providers, RFI incl. confidentiality agreement, potential analysis with existing service provider.

Optimization of the logistics at the distribution center: planning and evaluation of scenarios for the supply of the branches until 2020.

Execution of a tender for the transport services (inbound and outbound) in Austria and the CEE-region: support in the documentation of the new transport strategy, elaboration of the relevant data and information, elaboration of tender document, definition of list of bidders, execution of tender, evaluation of offers, attendance of negotiations, elaboration of service contracts.

Development of an optimised storage and distribution structure for market supply, wholesale and online business. Derivation of the network of distribution centres and hubs across all Baltic States. Detailed planning for the expansion of the Kaunas central warehouse.

Implementation support for the new warehouse in Leobendorf: functional and spatial planning, planning of logistics trades, support for implementation of construction, support for submission and approval procedures, tendering and implementation support for logistics trades, support for "WMS-NEW".

Development of location concept: Evaluation of the suitability of the target location in comparison to alternatives, with examination of space requirements and investment framework

Warehouse equipment planning for a new building called "Leistungszentrum Industrietechnik" (High performance centre industrial engineering) in variants with regard to material flow, warehouse technology and layout. Comparison of variants and realisation recommendation.

Untersuchung der aktuellen Supply Chain und Identifikation von möglichem Optimierungspotenzial unter Berücksichtigung der neu erarbeiteten Logistikstrategie.

Development and planning of the Kühnsdorf feeder line, including updating the investment cost estimate and coordinating the submission for feeder line and terminal funding.

Outbound logistic analysis: enquiry and analysis of current cost structure, comparison with market prices (benchmarking), deriving of improvement and cost reduction measures

CLEARER - Climate Neutral Freight Transport: Drawing up and publication of a study on the topic of CO2-neutral road freight transport by 2040 based on an evaluation of the relevant road freight transport segments. Development and calculation of a technology-neutral future scenario (battery electric, hydrogen, etc.) and presentation of necessary measures and expected effects.

See CLEARER Studie (in German only)

Smart Urban Logistics - co-ordination and moderation of the process to develop the Smart Urban Logistics Initiative. Conception and monitoring of projects supporting the topic as well as assistance at the planning of a possible support programme.

Workshop Smart Urban Logistics within the programme of the "Smart Cities Week 2013 Vienna" - organisation and presentation of a thematic workshop concerning urban freight transports.

Smart Urban Logistics - support in content and organisation for the implementation of a platform in the framework of the Smart Urban Logistics Initiative.

GÜMORE - Freight Transport Model Austrian East region: Establishment of a realistic, action-sensitive and forecast-capable freight transport model for the Eastern Region, taking into account the requirements of logistics stakeholders by deriving potential impact contributions and individual utilisation scenarios.

KOMOLAS - Design and Impact Assessment of cooperative modular load carrier circulation systems in industrial logistics. Development of model assumptions for future cooperative load carrier circulation systems and research on their impact on transport chains and networks.

LogCon - Logistik-Concierge: Development of logistics services at micro-hubs in a creative process involving the customer by means of customer surveys and a customer journey.

WiGiB - Correlation of impacts in urban mobility: Exploring these interactions and creating an easy-to-use, intuitive tool for users in practice to identify the expected impact of measures and means of intervention.

See details (German only): Mobilität der Zukunft

EMILIA - Electric Mobility for Innovative Freight Logistics in Austria: Evaluation of the use of electric driven vans and cargo tricycles for the purpose of goods transports on the last mile including tour optimization and life testings and cost controlling.


EMILIA on youtube:

InnoTRAIL - Innovative Tyrolean regional concept for an Alpine intermodal logistics terminal. Examination of development and extension options of the intermodal location Hall in Tirol.

IMPALA: Check to what extent intermodal nodes are suitable as urban logistics centres for the regional disperson with electric vehicles.

GüMoS - Goods mobility in cities (in co-operation with Herry Consult and Schachinger): Identification of evaluation criteria from the cities', the operators' and the projects' point of view in order to evaluate research projects on goods mobility in cities. Draw up of correspondent mission statements.

ILoS: Definition of indicators to describe savings potential of transport routes in urban areas regarding current traffic information and the development of proper quantification methods for transport route analysis.

Application for a rail freight subsidy (SGV subsidy) at SCHIG Schieneninfrastruktur-DienstleistungsgesmbH

Quick Check: Ecological concept of the economy for railways

Preparation and support of strategy workshops and the development and definition of business models.

Detailing of the service portfolio: Definition and detailing of the service portfolio of the development company LCA Süd for positioning and establishment as a one-stop-shop concerning location development, marketing and value-added services.

Logistics Master Plan for available areas: Deployment of master plans and functional concepts for selected properties in the existing area which will be used to support company settlements and future detailed planning in the course of site development.

Feasibility studies on logistics services for the supply of an organic branch chain: Preparation of corresponding strategic decision-making bases regarding logistics on the basis of the feasibility study prepared jointly

Review and tendering of warehouse logistics: evaluation of an internally conducted site analysis with subsequent re-tendering of logistics services.

Comparison of logistics costs of three storage and distribution companies: Benchmarking and deduction of potential.

Optimisation concept regarding production and distribution logistics at the production site in Ottakring (Vienna) due to a significant storage surface reduction and adaption of the traffic concept.

Master plan review: Refined consideration of the static and dynamic quantity structures incl. measures, revision of the quantity structure for further site development, review and expansion of the existing master plan (2020)

Master planning in scenarios for the expansion of the existing central warehouse site Wels: Development of plan quantites, planning of extension scenarios in variants, comparison of variants and implementation recommendation. (2016)

Elaboration of an optimised material flow and a layout for the new production building incl. design of the assembly, technology

Sofia Logistics Park master planning: development of planning principles, layout planning in variants, technology studies

Logistics Quickcheck: Analysis of warehouse and distribution logistics. Identification of potentials and development of a catalogue of measures.

SILTRAN: Analysis and optimisation of internal and intra-company logistic as well as monitoring of the implementation of proposed measures. Tendering of truck transports, implementation of controlling tools.

Master planning of the entire Sprögnitz site, solution for the next expansion stage: analysis of the current situation, preparation of the planning basis, alternative storage technologies and master plan, rough planning of the next expansion stage, detailing of the preferred variant.

Optimisation of hub logistics processing: Strengths/weaknesses analysis of current logistics process, derivation of optimisation potential, action plan including definition of key performance

Concept study deep-frozen buffer storage for the production of the Westfleisch plants in Erkenschwick and Coesfeld as well as another meat processing plant in Turkey: Development of planning principles, elaboration of different technical concepts, economic comparison of the variants.

Development of a layout with optimisation of the production supply processes.

Development of a material flow-optimised layout including storage technology for the production supply of a multi-production facility.

Sustainable Logistics 2030+ Lower Austria-Vienna: Development of a future-oriented and implementation-oriented action plan that deals with the present and future requirements of freight mobility in the Lower Austria - Vienna region and coordination of suitable measures for implementation. Further information:

Sustainable Logistics 2030+ Lower Austria-Vienna: Development of a future-oriented and implementation-oriented action plan that deals with the present and future requirements of freight mobility in the Lower Austria - Vienna region and coordination of suitable measures for implementation. Further information:

Conception and execution of a seminar for customers "Own vehicle fleet - economically optimal?

Optimization of logistics: Short analysis of the processes in the warehouse and the fulfillment of requirements, development of target processes and short-term measures.

Businessplan feeder line Kühnsdorf: Preparation of a business plan as a basis for decision-making on the long-term operational organization and financing for the project “feeder line Kühnsdorf".

Usage study "Former consumer goods warehouse"

Development and evaluation of the alternative use of dzh.

Master planning in scenarios for the expansion of final production and logistics facilities: Development of plan quantity frameworks, bottleneck analysis of production and logistics, planning of expansion scenarios in variants for production and logistics including traffic concepts, comparison of variants including implementation recommendation.

Automated finished goods warehouse as a wood structure (!) at Ebensee site: Planning, tender and assistance with implementation.

Concept study for a deep-freeze buffer warehouse in the course of the construction of a meat plant in Kursk (Russia): Development of planning principles, development of different technical concepts, economic comparison of the variants (on behalf of ATP architekten ingenieure).

Expansion of the Nüziders site: Support of the Foodfab company with regard to implementation support and acceptance of automatic high-bay warehouses 02 and conveyor technology extensions.

Optimization of production planning: analysis of the current situation, development of target processes including the necessary system support, planning of implementation measures

Feasibility Study Empty Container Business on the Danube: Evaluation of the empty container business on the Danube axis and conduction of a feasibility study for empty container transport by barge in comparison to rail transport.

Optimisation of transport logistics for BOS and BBE: analysis of route handling and organisation with own and external fleet, development of improvement measures, tendering of transport services

Development of a homogeneous purchase concept using the IT systems available without interruption. Procedures and proesses were unified within the whole region. Rules were defined which decisions/specifications have to be made locally or centrally.

Activities in further, previous projects:

- Definition of a supra regional truck controlling
- Supply management trucks
- Support implementation of an incentive system for truck drivers
- Analysis transport logistics

Development of the logistics operational organisation for the entire Vienna Hospital Association (18 houses): conception and design of the logistics centers, planning of the deliveries and the in-house logistics in the target houses as well as the return logistics.

Concept for the layout of a central warehouse (medical and non-medical goods), the storage of pharmaceutical goods and for the equipment of the repair centres.
Compilation of a business organization handbook for a new hospital-building (departments, ambulances and operating centre) to be planned at Kaiser-Franz-Josef Hospital. Chapters to be drawn up were process flows (supply and disposal). Therefore users (esp. nurses) as well as service provider (warehouse, laundry, pharmacy, etc.) were interviewed.

Master planning of logistics of temperature controlled goods as well as of recycled valuable materials in the course of the overall project. Extension meat operations at the location MIGROS East in Gossau/Switzerland (ATP / Foodfab).

Conception and project support „Rail Feeder Line Kühnsdorf“: Setup of a "development and operator concept" for the reorganization and takeover of the “Kühnsdorf” rail-freight station as a privately managed rail feeder line. Development of recommendations for action for the involved stakeholders and coordination of a strategic implementation plan (roadmap).

Development of the rail-freight station Kühnsdorf: Examination of the rail-freight station Kühnsdorf, which was intended for closure by ÖBB, and evaluation of possible operational scenarios (for example as a feeder railway line).

Quickcheck of the existing warehouse management system with regard to required and implemented functionalities.

Masterplanning for a new distribution centre: analysis and optimisation of current processes, development of planning base and masterplan scenarios according to varying longterm expansion scenarios.

Feasibility test tour planning: Determining potential through systematic tour planning for distribution.

Master plan for the expansion of the central warehouse in two stages with integration of the sister company Rau.

Planning support logistics facilities newly constructed central warehouse Graz: Target quantity structures, layout planning of logistics facilities, support of supplier selection logistics lots.

Supply Chain Risk Management: Checking multilevel international trade and production supply chains on risks and development of emergency concept

Set up of a profit and loss account by division: Conception and prototyping.

Quickcheck planning warehouse Schwechat: plausibility check quantity structures, critical consideration defined target processes and planned storage facilities.

Calculation of the AS-IS EMEA supply chain cost of four existing DCs in Austria, France, Germany and Great Britain and future development scenarios using the SCD Tool and growth estimations. Calculation of capacity and qualitative effects of transfers between national organizations, determination of project plan for implementation incl. budgeting.

Quick check DC Moscow - expertise on the logistics performance of the logistics service provider incl. proposals for improvement.

Supply Chain Concept: Development of a world-wide supply chain concept based on activity costs.
Implementation support centralisation gliding range winter sports.
Evaluation of a new European warehouse location.
Design of a global logistic strategy.

Operations consulting and market analysis of cargo rail transports and operational support in various projects.

Examination of the new fresh logistics via service provider and development of a process oriented model for the calculation of services for the new fresh logistics in the central warehouse.

Development of an Emergency Concept for the logistics division.

Supervision and optimisation of distribution centre operations: quick check warehousing operations, deriving of improvement measures and implementation.

Enterprise logistics concept: Analysis of actual situation, corporate strategy and logistics mission statement, overall logistics concept, outsourcing for central warehouse and shipments (range of dry and fresh products)

Optimization of processes and structures regarding procurement of transport and crane services for wind energy plants.

Development of an optimised material flow layout for the finished goods warehouse and shipping area as well as optimisation of plant traffi.

Analysis of the present distribution structure and comparison of the present distribution cost with the ECONSULT benchmarks in order to deduct potentials thereof.

Quick check of the entire warehouse operations in Mils including process organization, resource management and IT support as well as interfaces to the fleet, to sales and purchasing.

Development of the logistics processes for a new hospital in Slovakia.

Conception for patient transports in the Dominicus Hospital Düsseldorf.

Logistics quick scan for the planning of a hospital for ETLIK - Ankara (Turkey).

Draw up of a rough logistics concept in order to define the logistic tasks of the future operational management of two associated hospitals in the north of Germany.

Quick Check of Tallinn warehouse.

Conception of a development and operating model for the logistics location Fürnitz with a focus on logistics services and the connected terminal for combined transport. Preparation of an implementaiton plan and support for preparatory actions.

Update optimization of warehouse locations in Austria.

Re-structuring of the Austrian organization, redistribution of tasks towards newly implemented organizational units such as SCM and documents management. Definition and design of the new processes.

Draw up of the organization and the processes for the department of product management as well as the "platform" order fulfilment.

Implementation support expansion of the Hagenbrunn warehouse: support of layout planning and submission procedure

Efficiency analysis of the yeast dough line: Analysis of the production and packing process for yeast dough products, elaboration of improvement measures.

Elaboration of a planning catalogue including benchmarking and sales outlook, design of a logistics strategy. Check of range of articles and suppliers, assignment of the articles to a logistics channel, definition of need of space and warehouse equipment.

Based on that design of a layout as a basis for the construction of the new logistics centre.

Development of strategy options for the terminal concept of Austria regarding all sites for combined transport. Accompanying coordination of a comprehensive stakeholder process with the Austrian terminal operators.

Development of a national RTI roadmap for the innovation in the field of mobility of goods within the programme for research funding "Mobility of the Future".

Freight carrier analysis for the mobility conception of the Austrian Republic.

Quick check logistics: Analysis of the distribution logistics regarding efficiency of storing and organization, deduction of optimization potential, as basis for the logistics strategy.

Development of a Profit Center Analysis, set up of Sales Controlling for AKPS, Gütersloh (Germany).

Determination of status and basic decision information regarding the ERP system.

Quick check: strategy and potential analysis on all company divisions for AKPS, Gütersloh (Germany).

Quick check production und logistics: Potential analysis covering all printing companies in Italy.

Elaboration of a master plan for the integration of a recently acquired neighbouring site and centralisation of various storage areas which were located in different parts of the premises including the elaboration of a plan for possible steps of a future expansion.

Logistics analysis of the warehouse sites in Eilsleben and Feuchtwangen, Germany. Comparison of facility sites between both German sites and the site in Taufkirchen, Austria. Analysis of possible "optimizations of capacity" covering all three sites.

Development of a warehouse concept for the Taufkirchen site that is adapted to the proposed quantities. Enquiry and analysis of the present situation; Definition of target guidelines; extrapolation following the targets concerning the development of sales trend; draw up, evaluation and selection of scenarios of solutions, selection of the preferred alternative.

Logistics Kaposvar, Hungary: Comparison of the alternatives of delivery and warehouse layout for the Kaposvar site.

Support at the realization of a system for the handling of containers and paletts including a high bay racking for paletts and a container shuttle system.

LOX delivery processes: Comparison of delivery options between central and decentral filling of the oxygene tanks.

Spare parts centre: analysis and optimization of the existing layout as well as expansion.

- Short Study - Structures and requirements of the Austrian logistics market.

- Compilation of a cost-optimizing concept for the direct delivery in projects of network expansion and business clients as well as of spare parts logistics.

Analysis of logistics alternatives: Comparision of alternative sites in the course of the merger with ÖAG, evaluation of cost of the different site options incl. Investments as well as cost of warehousing and transport.

Analysis of the dispatching: enquiry of the existent dispatching structure and processes, identification and analysis of KPIs including benchmarking, derivation of improvement and optimisation measures.

Optimisation of distribution and logistics structure: allocation of customers to distribution centres according to geographical criteria's, optimisation of route planning regarding outbound processes.

Analysis of logistics alternatives: Comparision of alternative sites in the course of the merger with ÖAG, evaluation of cost of the different site options incl. investments as well as cost of warehousing and transport.

Analysis of the dispatching: enquiry of the existent dispatching structure and processes, identification and analysis of KPIs including benchmarking, derivation of improvement and optimisation measures.

Retrofit project: Replacement of the existing system for warehouse administration and material flow control at the Triesen site. Enquiry of the present situation by documentation of processes, definition target requirements, creation of a functional specification sheet, collection of concepts of bidders, selection of bidders and general decision in favour of one system.

Amplification of the supply-chain-modell for an optimized global goods supply in the field of consumer goods: Differenciation of possible commodity flow scenarios for the north American market with or without sites for regional warehouses in Northern America.

Logistics strategy for consumer products from SWAROVSKI: Expansion of limit capacity of existing distribution center, development of supporting control tools, master plan for maximum expansion, supply chain model for optimizing worldwide flows of goods. Design of a Supply-Chain-Modell in order to supply the Chinese market with fashion products.

Analysis of alternative technical solutions for the receipt of goods at the hardening shop. Revision of planning basics, planning of alternatives, comparison of alternatives including recommendation of realisation.

- Master Plan Ennshafen NÖ - Development of a rough concept for the building development and the concept of functional areas for the western dock of Ennshafen in Lower Austria.

- Sales and marketing network Wiener Neustadt - monitoring of the pilot projekt "Sales and marketing network" for the wagonload freight in cooperation with ecoplus and Rail Cargo Group. Analysis of the regional rail traffic on defined track sections. Identifications of potentials for optimization as well as potentials for additional goods traffic on the rail.

- High & Heavy Ennshafen NÖ - Feasibility study about the possibilities of a trimodal heavy goods terminal in the port of Ennshafen in Lower Austria. Draw up of a market potential analysis, evaluation of the site and development of possible turnover concepts. Draw up of an implementation concept incl. layout of the masterplan and 3D visualisation.

Konzeptstudie Logistikstandort: Vergleich Lagerstandortalternativen für den österreichischen Markt.

Development of an optimized warehouse concept for the Taufkirchen site that is adapted to the proposed quantities.

Master planning production hall.

Support of spare parts stress testing: enquiry of test content, process limits, test method, test parameter and measurement instruments, test preparation, support of stress test execution, derivation of improvement measures.

Analysis transport logistics

Optimization of company-wide logistics processes, development of the future logistics strategy.

Company-wide logistics check, data editing and analysis for three subsidiaries, identification stock turnover in the analysed subsidiaries, correlation between turnover and stock. Analysis of the suppliers, deduction of a strenghts/weaknesses catalogue, definition of countermeasures.

- Feasibility study feeder line Götzis - analysis of requirements, estimation of potential and master planning for the construction of a feeder line for the public maintenance service in Götzis. Development of an overall concept for engineering and managing the railways.

- Pre-feasibility study concerning the construction of a private railway feeder line at the location in Götzis. Support for the setup and submission of a grant application for a detailed feasibility study at the national support authority.

Enquiry evaluation logistics centre Wien-Nord.

Planning and call for tender Retrofit (mechanics and control incl. warehouse management system) for the dynamic block storage of OeBS (Oesterreichische Banknoten- und Sicherheitsdruckerei) and GSA (Geldservice Austria).

Identification of the focus considering the present structure of subsidiaries, definition of reasonable alternative sites followed by a site comparison (present and alternative sites).

Optimization of the warehouse locations in Slovakia, Croatia, Greece and Hungary.

Reference analysis of the site in Hausmannstätten (A), as well as additional reference analysis of the Austrian provinces Styria and Burgenland.

Support of tender and granting: Transports to Russia incl. dispersion within the country.

Logistics concept and detailed planning for the expansion of the central warehouse in Altenmarkt.


Deduction of the focuses considering the present structure of subsidiaries considering the demand that there should be 3 warehouse sites and one site is defined. This also included the assignment of the subsidiaries within different alternatives.

Optimization of the internal logistics at Wels site, Vogelweiderstrasse: Optimization of the logistic processes and determining factors, draw up of a catalogue of requirements for a warehouse management system and support of the selection of the best partner for implementation.

Elaboration of a company wide logistics concept, planning of a central distribution centre.

Logistics audit of the entire supply chain - strengths and weaknesses analysis, proposals for improvements, basis for a target concept for retail as well as for logistics.

Logistics check and workshop: Potentials in production, warehousing and distribution.

Optimization central warehouse concept Pfennigpfeiffer - support implementation workaround with a rented warehouse. (2010)

Extension concept central warehouse for Pfennigpfeiffer and MäcGeiza at the Landsberg site. (2014)

Draw up of a company-wide mission statement for logistics including the planning of the future structure of the warehouse (critical analysis of the present situation, draw up of planning basics, draw up and evaluation of logistics concepts).

Rough concept consideration of the amplification of the new export warehouse in the form of an automated high bay warehouse.

Project support in the reorganization of the operational handling of logistics with a new service provider incl. project management and monitoring.

Support and monitoring of the follow-up project for further optimizations of the logistics process.

Master planning production hall: Analysis of the present situation, draw up of the planning basics, elaboration of a materialflow adjusted layout, cost estimation, comparison of outsourcing.

Master planning production hall: Analysis of the present situation, draw up of the planning basics, elaboration of a material flow adjusted layout, cost estimation.

Calculation of the storage space needed for pharmaceutical goods - Editing of the article's master data and calculation of the future floor space and warehouse parameters required.

Support logistics planning on the conception and build-up of a hospital logistics center across locations of Lower Austria hospital holding in St. Pölten and Wiener Neustadt.

Draw up of a future oriented central warehouse concept for the Salzburg site: creation of planning basics, elaboration of the planning of alternatives, evaluation of the alternatives and selection of the preferred alternative. Detail examination of the connection between the central warehouse and the production space.

Optimization and planning expansion logistics and production of the company at the Pichl site: Analysis of the present situation and draw up of static and dynamic planning basics. Master planning of all alternatives, selection of the alternatives, detailing of the preferred alternative.

Terminal evaluation: basic assessment and evaluation concerning the functions of intermodal terminals along the SETA-corridor.

Draw up of a concept for the goods-in/goods-out area at the central warehouse site in Kapfenberg: Weaknesses analysis of the present situation, compilation of size data static and dynamic, planning of alternative approaches, selection of the alternative.


Deployment of a freight railway concept for the revitalization of the rail freight traffic in the project area. Evaluation of usage concepts for existing feeder lines and loading tracks as well as evaluation of possible railway logistics solutions for high-quality goods.

Potential analysis of waterborne transport for the Port of Vienna within the EU-project INWAPO.

Rolling Motorway - Evaluation of possibilities for the implementation of a new service to Regensburg.

Development of an optimized F&V supply chain scenario based on an end2end analysis for fruit and vegetables in Austria.

Master planning new central warehouse at the Ebreichsdorf site. Analysis of the present situation and draw up of static and dynamic planning basics. Master planning in alternatives, selection of an alternative and detailed planning of the preferred alternative.

Material flow optimisation and master planning: design of functional areas and allocation of production ressources to divisions, layout design according to the optimal material flow, optimisation of the internal transportation routes, traffic circulation concept, scenario planning, budgeting.

Revision of logistic concept for the implementation of mobile data entry for all logistic processes.

Verification of prospective expansion plan for production site in the 17th district: analysis of material flow modifications at the production site in Vienna's 17th district due to supply chain adaptions (production machinery and quantity shifting from Perg into the 17th district), capacity analysis, scenario planning, design of possible logistic conveyer technology (carton, pallet) incl. budgeting.

Revision of the logistics concept at the production site in St. Pölten: stock analysis, capacity check, buffer design regarding integration of an automated packing line for decoupling the processes paper roll cutting, packing and warehousing. Budgeting and ROI-calculation.

RISING - Validation of the business concepts and implementation plans for RIS Transport Services (River Information Services) with an EU-funded research project.

Optimisation and redesign of the repacking process: Definition of the general conditions and processes for an optimised controlling and preparation of the repacking processes through determination of dispatchign categories. Analysis of the main customers. Identification of the maintainance measures impact on the repacking machine output. Definition of prospective processes and working hours models.

Creation of a warehouse management system tender document, tendering process, comparison of bidders, recommendation and support for contract negotiation.

Company wide logistics mission statement on the whole distribution logistics in Austria, Germany and the bordering countries, development of conceptional aims, draw up of a warehousing concept and layout for the new cold store warehouse in Wels.

Analysis and conception central supply.

Commercial and technical evaluation and optimization of the planning of the suppliers.

Integrated logistics planning for the production site in Ober-Grafendorf: Analysis of logistic and production processes, development of optimisation measures regarding strategic short and longterm company goals, design of ideal storage and production layout.

Draw up of a cost simulation modell for a business modell for the logistics of one way pallets. Calculation of case studies. (2011)

Periodical support and expertise for the management for the operational optimization and for the elaboration of range of services offered. (2014)

Masterplanning for the distribution centre in Volgograd: Investigation and analysis of the logistic processes of the stores, optimization of the whole supply chain (from the supplier to the subsidiary), planning of a new distribution centre (fresh products, food articles, non-food, chemical products, drinks, deep frozen articles).

Pilot project workstation organisation: Optimisation of the current workstation organisation ob the basis of a representative workstation.

Planning support concerning  relocation of production site Winterthur to Baltersvil. Relocation of production site: material flow and layout planning incl. necessary machinery, peripheral equipment and detailled surface planning according to lean management principles.

Optimization of the mineral oil logistics: overall analysis of the business unit "energy" focussed on logistic processes, deduction of potentials and elaboration of an actions programme.


Planning of an automatic small-parts warehouse and supply concept for the production: planning of an automatic bin warehouse based on a master plan developed during an earlier project and consolidation to a material supply concept for production.

Masterplanning for the Dornbirn Site: Analysis of material flows, definition of planning criteria, elaboration of masterplan with areas for production, material handling, finish products and administration; detailed concept for the material supply of the factory.


Enquiry of logistic cooperation with competitor: definition of core processes and KPI's, preparation and evaluation of operating figures of both businesses, calculation of optimisation potential, definition and design of implementation strategy.

Revision of Masterplanning “Pharmacy Centre” 2006 (production of pharmaceutical foils under cleanroom conditions): location of machines, storage areas, material flow concept, layout, inventory management, traffic concept for the whole site.

Global Production Footprint-Modell: Development of a modell in order to evaluate different concepts of production within the Palfinger group via illustration with the help of the ECONSULT-SCD-Modell. This was followed by the calculation of parts of the production in order to verify the validity of the tool.

Planning of a freely leasable logistics center with multifunctional modules in Tirana.

Transport concept for unaddressed mailings: Identification of the transport cost effects which arise from the change for unaddressed mailings to automatized sorting ("collator") incl. Evaluation of the best delivery process in transport.

Draw up of a "Company wide logistics mission statement" embracing all existing production and logistic sites; draw up of a catalogue defining all planning basics including a capacity modell, production and logistics strategy, options for production and logistics planning, selection of these options and recommendation for the realisation by progressive stages.


Implementation support: customer support concerning warehouse realisation, controlling, definition of system specifications, construction and installation supervision.

Overall project management for the realisation of the central warehouse in Müllendorf.

Realisation support of the logistics components at the construction of the logistics center in Müllendorf (Detail planning, call for tender, realization support, acceptance tests, follow-up support, remedial action).


Analysis of the processes using the examples of 3 selected sites, estimation of the potential when optimizing the maintainance, review of the strategic goals of the management, draw-up of a concept considering the circumstances at Prangl concerning the maintainance including  guidelines for the procurement, draw-up of a realisation concept for 2 sites.
Concept development for workshop and warehousing including adaption of IT support processes.

Analysis of the entire business process chain (sourcing, sales, production & logistics) focusing on overall optimization of material management at both production sites: Consideration of partially very long lead times of basic material /semi-finished goods and long internal production cycles together with strongly alternating order scheduling.

Analysis of assembling line Alpha 6 concerning optimisation potential: Organisation of material flow according to lean management principles, configuration of workstations and processes according to ergonomic principles, definition and balancing of cycle times according to optimisations, definition of optimisation measures, design of assembling line layout.

Calculation of alternative logistics modells following the supply chain (SC Design-Tool) from the supplier to the client under special consideration of the cash and carry markets.

Verification and adaption of the previous Masterplan (2003) due to an upcoming major investment: Inquiry and documentation of changing market requirements together with adaptions of the supply chain strategy across the group, development of resulting short and long term expansion steps, preparation of catalogue of measures according to the new situation (new sourcing cycles, additional available surface for expansion, construction regulations, etc.), budgeting.

Execution of a tender for the Austrian-wide Distribution (warehousing and transport): Analysis of actual situation (material flows, processes, interfaces etc.), elaboration of tender document, definition of list of bidders, execution of tender, evaluation of offers.

Development of a Masterplan for an extension of the distribution centre: Revision of already existing layouts of the architect considering logistics aspects and ideal processes/workflow. Adaption of the supply chain strategy and development of a Masterplan to cope with current and future market needs.

Integrated logistics planning for the production site in Wr. Neudorf: Development of a Masterplan due to an upcoming major investment, analysis of the material flow in production and logistics, formulation of meaningful expansion steps and alternatives.

Development new business strategy: market analysis, strength and weakness analysis, strategic orientation and business planning.

Masterplanning for the production site extension: layout design and development of a functional concept concerning adaption of the production site due to changes of the  manufacturing requirements and QM-guidelines, development of the planning base, deriving of surface allocation including adapted machinery location, implementation concept and budgeting.

- Construction of a warehouse in Schaan: planning and tendering of logistic equipment for a new distribution centre in Schaan throughout the EU (conveyor techniques, steel construction and WMS): definition of the planning base, development of solution scenarios, determination of the ideal scenario, detailed planning, tendering throughout the EU according to the guidelines of Liechtenstein for public contracts.

- Realization support for the logistics trades (conveyor techniques, steel construction and WMS)

Study "Sustainabe transport through channelisation" in the scope of the ECR-initiative: development of a study based on current data to illustrate potential channelisation impacts (in terms of space and time) of Unilever and Mars regarding austrianwide distribution of parts of their product range.


Draw up of a site concept for the distribution in Europe: Comparison of sites and supply chain model for optimized logistics in Europe.

Tendering of logistic components based on the previous masterplan: Execution of tendering, evaluation of biddings, tenderer interviews.

Alternative distribution concept for ice-cream and deep-frozen products for supplying bulk-consumer distribution partners
Invitation to tender for storage and transport.

Check of structural and process analysis, definition of target organization for strategic realignment, adjustment of cost account and controlling.

Critical analysis of the existing production site structure and the whole European Supply Chain Logistics. Creating a "Supply Chain Simulation Model" in order to illustrate the actual situation finding optimization potentials.

Material-flow concept, process optimization and tender specifications for a warehouse management system.

Pilot projects on “Sustainable Logistics”: Determination of optimized regional structure to minimize transportation services, audit of a regional warehouse to identify potential areas of improvement.

Ideal-typical master planning of a central warehouse for the completion of the marketing articles of a world-wide acting producer of energy drinks.

Development logistics concept: Analysis of the actual situation of the material flow, logistics concept as basis of a logistics centre which can be established again, advertisement logistics planner, organisational structure, definition IT requirements.
Special logistics planning for the project LKH Klagenfurt:planning of macro logistics and micro logistics with employment of AVS.