Consulting. Planning. Implementing.

Logistics consulting FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETION.


GÜMORE - Freight Transport Model Austrian East region: Establishment of a realistic, action-sensitive and forecast-capable freight transport model for the Eastern Region, taking into account the requirements of logistics stakeholders by deriving potential impact contributions and individual utilisation scenarios.

KOMOLAS - Design and Impact Assessment of cooperative modular load carrier circulation systems in industrial logistics. Development of model assumptions for future cooperative load carrier circulation systems and research on their impact on transport chains and networks.

LogCon - Logistik-Concierge: Development of logistics services at micro-hubs in a creative process involving the customer by means of customer surveys and a customer journey.

WiGiB - Correlation of impacts in urban mobility: Exploring these interactions and creating an easy-to-use, intuitive tool for users in practice to identify the expected impact of measures and means of intervention.

See details (German only): Mobilität der Zukunft

EMILIA - Electric Mobility for Innovative Freight Logistics in Austria: Evaluation of the use of electric driven vans and cargo tricycles for the purpose of goods transports on the last mile including tour optimization and life testings and cost controlling.


EMILIA on youtube:

InnoTRAIL - Innovative Tyrolean regional concept for an Alpine intermodal logistics terminal. Examination of development and extension options of the intermodal location Hall in Tirol.

IMPALA: Check to what extent intermodal nodes are suitable as urban logistics centres for the regional disperson with electric vehicles.

GüMoS - Goods mobility in cities (in co-operation with Herry Consult and Schachinger): Identification of evaluation criteria from the cities', the operators' and the projects' point of view in order to evaluate research projects on goods mobility in cities. Draw up of correspondent mission statements.

ILoS: Definition of indicators to describe savings potential of transport routes in urban areas regarding current traffic information and the development of proper quantification methods for transport route analysis.